Allow me to be super transparent right now, I would like to give a little back story to my brand. How it started, where its going and where its been.
So for those who don't know, let me introduce myself. My name is Ranisha Randle, also known as Nisha. I just turned 32 in June of this year. Whew, 32.....when I was a young girl, I always imagined that at the age of 32, I would be married with kids living my best life as a stay at home wife. As I got older those goals I imagined for myself started to change. I graduated from High School and joined the US Navy. My ambitions and goals for myself reflected my environment. In the military, I observed a male dominated world. The women had to work hard, or just as much harder than the men to get any recognition. Oh, and being a "girly girl" like myself was frowned upon in job field. Girl, I was changing gear boxes, I became a certified 3 ton crane operator, I had to let it be known that I could still be PRETTY, and get my work done. I didn't allow me being a woman be my advantage to the top. You know, the pretty privileges..... Flirt and date the highest ranking guy to secure your spot....It was a big NO, for me. This is where I developed the brand, Goal Digger Beautique & Pretty with Goal$. Because we are not just Pretty, we are pretty with goals too.
Fast forward a couple years, I finish my Navy career and returned back to Texas, where I then moved to Houston. The city that grew me and connected me with all the right people.
Relaunching my brand this go round was hard. I was afraid and excited. I've learned the lessons and took the losses that came with being a business owner and entrepreneur. Last year I felt like I took the biggest loss when I had to relocate to my hometown. Talk about set back, I experienced the worst depression and anxiety, but I packed up myself and my business and was ready to walk the road that God planned for me. So my plans, my failed plans.... were no longer important to me. I've learned and witnessed that the plans God has for us, are far more better than anything we can imagine.
Yes I was afraid, yes I felt like a failure, yes I had to start over, but I did not quit. Even when I wanted to quit, Gods spoke to me through my family, friends and through prayer.
I've had people envy me or try to discourage me, but I kept my eyes on my goals and my heart in Christ.
August 2022, I relaunched my brand, I invested and I'm determined to take it to the next level of success.
This message is for all the pretty ladies with goals. It may get hard, you may want to quit, you might lose it all and have to start all over again, but as long as you keep your eyes on your goals and your heart with the Lord, everything is going to work out fine.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ( Jeremiah 29:11)
1 comment
Such a good read! You got this go round! It’s time ❤️